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Outdated Start-up (Change Management)
Innovation Process (Change Management)
Managers don't look beyond (Leadership Development)
Coaching the new Team Leader  (Coaching)
Proactive Sales Team (Organization Development)
Stuck in Diverge Opinions (Strategic Planning)

Stuck in Diverge Opinions (Strategic Planning)

A very successful non-profit organization is frequently overwhelmed by the workload. The management is ready to tackle this resource problem and develop a new vision. In spite of many discussions to solve the problem everyone pulls in a different direction and the management is at a loss. The management opts for a strategy and organization development process with CORES.

In two strategic planning workshops involving the management team a new strategy is developed that is widely supported. It is a challenge for the facilitator to converge differing ideas and views and to finally reach a consensus. The organization now has to adjust to the new strategy and an action plan was drafted accordingly.