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Outdated Start-up (Change Management)
Innovation Process (Change Management)
Managers don't look beyond (Leadership Development)
Coaching the new Team Leader  (Coaching)
Proactive Sales Team (Organization Development)
Stuck in Diverge Opinions (Strategic Planning)

Improving the Innovation Process (Organization Development)

The director of market operations asked for CORES consulting services. The company with 250 employees producing High-Tec laboratory equipment wanted to improve its innovation process.

The process encompassed the selection of innovations to producing prototypes and marketing the new product. Many departments and teams had to be involved in developing a new product. A lot of time and energy was wasted with overlapping activities and poor communication. The costs per prototype had to be reduced.

To identify variances and areas for improvement the CORES consultant gathered relevant data and discussed the analyses of the company's development process with all managers of the involved teams. The teams agreed to streamline the process and to enhance their cross-boundary communication.

The consultant suggested a method how to establish process ownership (accountability) and a communication plan that secured the timely flow of specs-data during each stage of the process. The CORES consultant also supported the implementation of the new process. The prototypes were produced faster and the costs were reduced.