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Outdated Start-up (Change Management)
Innovation Process (Change Management)
Managers don't look beyond (Leadership Development)
Coaching the new Team Leader  (Coaching)
Proactive Sales Team (Organization Development)
Stuck in Diverge Opinions (Strategic Planning)

The Start-up Structure is out-dated (Change Management)

The complex structure of a medium-sized international company needs to be more efficient. Coordination among several international branches is tedious, communication is difficult and who does what is everyone's guess. The CEO finds herself micro-managing the organization instead of focusing on marketing and sales.

 The business is successful and the company grows without adjusting to its structure. A CORES consultant is contracted to support the company. Early on an analysis is presented to the management team and different scenarios are discussed. Several new structural designs were evaluated in workshops involving the management team and selected employees.

By collaboratively developing a new design the management team is now taking responsibility for the successful implementation of this change.